Ranked in Newsweek’s list of Best Addiction Treatment Centers in North Carolina for 2024!

PTSD Treatment Center in Wilmington, NC

Wilmington Treatment Center helps adults struggling with PTSD find long-term recovery. Located in North Carolina, Wilmington is the premier rehab for PTSD treatment.

Learn More About PTSD Recovery

Learn More About PTSD Recovery at Wilmington Treatment Center

Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a disorder that can result from exposure to a traumatic event. A person who is struggling with symptoms of PTSD may find himself or herself drawn to abusing substances as a means of experiencing temporary relief, but unfortunately this method of coping often comes with serious negative consequences. If left untreated, substance use disorders with co-occurring PTSD can wreak havoc across virtually every area of a person’s life.

Fortunately, Wilmington Treatment Center has helped individuals with substance use disorders and co-occurring PTSD for over 30 years. Located in beautiful coastal Wilmington, North Carolina, our friendly, caring staff is committed to helping each person in our care find freedom from substance abuse and co-occurring PTSD and live the life that he or she deserves.

Helping a Loved One

Helping a Loved One or Family Member Get Treatment For PTSD

When a loved one is struggling with a substance use disorder and co-occurring PTSD, the painful effects of these disorders can affect nearly everyone who cares for that person. As someone who is close to an individual struggling with substance abuse and PTSD, you likely know the pain these disorders can cause, but you may not be aware of what you can do to help. Consider the following options:

  • Look into options for treatment. Finding a few treatment centers that are a good fit for your loved one can provide valuable encouragement for him or her to seek help.
  • Research PTSD as well as your loved one’s substance or substances of choice. Learning the signs and symptoms of PTSD, the effects of your loved one’s chosen substance, and how the two may interact can aid you in understanding his or her experience and help you encourage him or her to seek treatment.
  • Maintain an open line of communication with your loved one, and let him or her know you are aware of his or her struggles. Try your best to prevent your conversations about treatment from turning into arguments, and should your loved one be receptive, present your list of treatment centers to him or her.
  • When your loved one is ready to enter treatment, help him or her with logistical issues. Arranging appointments with treatment center staff and offering to accompany your loved one to those appointments can be helpful. In addition, make yourself available to help with transportation and other needs that may arise. During your loved one’s time in treatment, remain an active source of support for him or her.
  • It is also important to not forget to take care of yourself. Eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly can help you maintain your physical and emotional health during this difficult time. In addition, make sure to seek support from friends and family members, and take time to invest in hobbies and other activities that rejuvenate you.

Why Choose Our Rehab

Why Consider Rehab for PTSD at Wilmington Treatment Center

Both substance use disorders and PTSD can substantially impair a person’s ability to be effective in his or her life, especially when a person struggles with both of them. These disorders can strain a person’s relationships, perhaps even to the breaking point, and may result in separation, divorce, difficulty maintaining friendships and family connections, and even social isolation. Furthermore, a person struggling with a substance use disorder and co-occurring PTSD will likely have difficulty holding down a job and may face job termination, long-term unemployment, significant financial strain, and even homelessness. Finally, substance use can have detrimental effects on a user’s own body, potentially causing liver and kidney damage, memory problems, cognitive impairments, skin lesions, and an increased risk of contracting infections like HIV or hepatitis C through the use of shared needles. Furthermore, the risk of a fatal overdose remains an ever-present threat. As dire as these potential consequences may be, however, there is still hope. With the help of a comprehensive treatment program, it is possible to take back one’s life from substance abuse and co-occurring PTSD and minimize the chances of suffering from these life-altering repercussions.

Treatments We Offer

Types of Treatment Offered at Wilmington Treatment Center for PTSD

Since 1984, Wilmington Treatment Center has been a leading provider of addiction treatment for men and women age 18 and older. By offering a full spectrum of services designed to meet patients’ varying needs, our center is where lives are changed for the better. Licensed as a hospital, our 139-bed oceanside center is equipped to treat men and women who require medical care while working toward their recovery goals.

In choosing Wilmington as the place to leave your addiction in the past, you can participate in 12-Step-based high quality programming, and you can benefit from the ongoing support of our dedicated clinical team. Each one of your treatment needs will be fully addressed by an individualized treatment plan that will help you overcome your addiction and successfully manage the symptoms of PTSD. Below are some of the types of treatment that can be included in your personalized treatment plan:

Inpatient detoxification: Depending on the substance than a person is abusing, uncomfortable symptoms of withdrawal can emerge and prevent an individual from achieving sobriety. For this reason, we offer medically monitored inpatient detoxification so that our patients can comfortably manage withdrawal and gain the clarity of mind needed to focus on their recovery.

Medication management services: Many men and women who come to Wilmington looking to overcome an addiction also struggle with the symptoms of mental health conditions such as PTSD. Because of our dedication to providing superior care, we provide patients with medication management services so that they can receive the pharmaceutical interventions needed to heal from mental illness symptoms. Our medical director and 24/7 nursing staff oversee medication management services and closely monitor each patient so that we can ensure the safety and effectiveness of any and all medications prescribed.

Individual therapy: While Wilmington itself is a dynamic community that provides patients with substantial support from their peers and our staff, there is much to gain from patients being able to meet with a counselor in a private setting. Patients are assigned a primary counselor at the start of their treatment and can meet with their counselors when it is recommended by our clinical team or when a patient needs additional support. Individual therapy sessions allow men and women to work through feelings, establish goals, and learn new skills for maintaining recovery and coping with the symptoms of PTSD.

Group therapy: Individuals battling an addiction and PTSD have a greater likelihood of achieving their treatment goals when they have opportunities to receive support from and offer encouragement to their peers. As such, Wilmington is pleased to offer group therapy sessions each day in the morning and in the afternoon. Groups may include:

  • Life Stages Groups, which cover specific topics centered around the needs of young adults, middle adults, and those chosen by the patients themselves
  • Women’s group
  • Chronic pain group
  • Understanding relapse group
  • Process group
  • Community meetings
  • Lectures
  • 12-Step groups
  • Men’s group
  • Discharge planning group

Recreational Therapy Program: Leaving one’s addiction in the past often requires ending certain behaviors or activities that previously encouraged the abuse of substances. At Wilmington, we understand how hard this can be, and we are eager to help those we treat discover substance-free leisure activities that will help them stick with their treatment goals. Offered through our Recreational Therapy Program, we provide a variety of activities and hobbies that are both fun and foster recovery and healing from an addiction and co-occurring PTSD.

Recreation time: Wilmington is proud to supply a variety of recreational activities that can rejuvenate the mind, body, and spirit. For 90 minutes each day, Monday through Friday, men and women can participate in the following leisure activities:

  • Working on your Step 1
  • Recovery Bible study
  • Horseshoes
  • Run/walk fitness trail
  • Big Book Study
  • Reading
  • Volleyball
  • Baseball
  • Wii
  • Puzzles
  • Karaoke
  • Air hockey
  • Arts and crafts
  • Bocce ball
  • Art therapy
  • Basketball
  • Ping pong
  • Foundations training
  • Therapy outings
  • Soccer
  • Board games
  • Foosball
  • Cornhole
  • Coloring pages
  • Zumba
  • Ladderball
  • Yoga
  • Football

Family therapy: Led by our licensed marriage and family therapist, family therapy sessions are available to patients and their loved ones on an as-needed basis. As our patients work on recovering from an addiction and healing from the symptoms of PTSD, they and those closest to them can benefit from working on their relationships with one another and come together as a collective whole, ready and willing to support one another while embarking on this new chapter in their lives.

Family Program: As a means of supplying education and support to the friends and family members of our patients, our center is pleased to offer a Family Program. With programming offered on-site each weekend and a more intensive version of this program offered the first Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of each month, Wilmington aims to help those closest to our patients by offering educational opportunities and encouraging loved ones to share their stories with others who have also been impacted by chemical dependency and co-occurring PTSD.

Operation Recovery: With the Seeking Safety Model for treating trauma as a the foundation of this specialized treatment track, Operation Recovery offers unique programming opportunities for those patients with military backgrounds or those who are first responders. Treatment methods used in this track may include:

  • Group sessions with active duty and/or retired military personnel
  • Coordination of care between medical and clinical staff
  • Introduction to the 12-Steps and Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) meetings with military staff from local bases
  • Monthly presentations led by Military One Source and the local Veterans Association
  • Family involvement
  • Command involvement (when consent is granted)

Depending on your treatment needs and goals, the above types of treatment can be included into your customized treatment plan. Our staff of dedicated professionals will work in collaboration with you to learn about your needs and goals and will formulate a plan that will help you to experience the most favorable treatment outcomes. Upon completion of our inpatient rehabilitation program, you can then participate in our partial hospitalization program and our intensive outpatient care before you return home. We have purposefully designed our treatment to be all-inclusive so that you are able to resume your life with the skills, confidence, and determination needed to remain on the path of long-term sobriety.

The staff at Wilmington is on-hand to answer any questions that you may have about our programming and can begin the process of admissions with you with just one phone call. Feel free to contact us at your convenience, and let us help you determine if our center is where you can achieve the sober life you deserve.

Over a period of 2 years, I missed out on so many things in life due to my PTSD. When I finally decided to go somewhere about it, I chose WTC and thank God that I did. The care and compassion I received during treatment saved me.

– Nikki P.
Marks of Quality Care
We are affiliated with the following organizations, which provide accreditation, education, and training to ensure quality behavioral health and addiction treatment.
  • American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM)
  • Newsweek 2023
  • The Joint Commission (JCAHO) Gold Seal of Approval
  • Tricare