Drug Addiction Treatment FAQ

Where are there drug rehabs in North Carolina?

For residents of the southeastern United States, cities like Raleigh, NC offer many opportunities to attend drug rehab. Conveniently located and accessible, Raleigh provides an ideal backdrop for healing from addiction and substance abuse concerns.

What makes a good inpatient drug rehab?

A good inpatient drug rehab offers a customized treatment experience that blends traditional therapies with the latest in innovative, scientifically-backed interventions and services. As no two people are alike, your treatment plan should reflect your unique goals and challenges as you work toward recovery.

Are drug treatment centers expensive?

Many people are surprised to find that drug addiction treatment centers can guide them in finding ways to make treatment affordable. As part of the admissions process, many centers will help you verify your insurance coverage so that you can use your benefits to the greatest financial advantage.

Does insurance cover drug rehab?

Many major insurance companies provide coverage for drug rehab. Each plan is different, so it’s best to contact your insurance company prior to enrolling in a program so that you understand the financial obligations associated with rehab.

Does Raleigh have drug detox facilities?

Yes. Many treatment centers provide detox services, and should it be necessary, detox can be a vital first step of the recovery process. During detox, you’ll safely and comfortably eliminate harmful substances from your system under the close supervision of medical professionals.

How can I help my spouse with his or her drug addiction?

If your spouse is battling an addiction to drugs, you can encourage him or her to seek professional help. Offer a listening ear, and be patient as you discuss the options for treatment with him or her. During this time, be mindful of your own wellbeing, and take time for yourself.

Are there military-specific drug treatment centers?

Military members and veterans may benefit from attending a rehab center that offers specialized programming to meet their needs. Fortunately, many treatment centers provide treatment tracks for military members and other emergency response personnel.

Going to Wilmington was the greatest decision I ever made. The encouragement I received will never be forgotten and I'm proud to say that I am sober today!

– Nathan Z.
Marks of Quality Care
We are affiliated with the following organizations, which provide accreditation, education, and training to ensure quality behavioral health and addiction treatment.
  • American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM)
  • Newsweek 2023
  • The Joint Commission (JCAHO) Gold Seal of Approval
  • Tricare